Question of the week
Dear Walker Community,
Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, has been a controversal figure in politics within our region for more than a few years. His criticism of The United States in the media and in the UN's General Assembly paired with his threats regarding oil supply and relations with Iran have made him the focus of attention for many of our newspapers and classroom discussions. He often speaks as if on behalf of Latin America and developing nations against what he has stated as "American imperialism". This brings us to our question of the week:
Is Hugo Chavez truly the voice of Latin America or is he just the loud mouth of the neighborhood? We invite your comments and thoughts.
Dear Walker Community,
Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, has been a controversal figure in politics within our region for more than a few years. His criticism of The United States in the media and in the UN's General Assembly paired with his threats regarding oil supply and relations with Iran have made him the focus of attention for many of our newspapers and classroom discussions. He often speaks as if on behalf of Latin America and developing nations against what he has stated as "American imperialism". This brings us to our question of the week:
Is Hugo Chavez truly the voice of Latin America or is he just the loud mouth of the neighborhood? We invite your comments and thoughts.